Mar 13, 2025
RNSG 2541 - Common Concepts of Adult Health Prerequisite(s): ADN:RNSG 1105 , RNSG 1360 , RNSG 1413 , RNSG 2144 , RNSG 2213 , BIOL 2401 , BIOL 2402 , BIOL 2420 , HPRS 2300 , HPRS 2301
LVN to ADN: RNSG 2144 , RNSG 2213 , BIOL 2401 , BIOL 2402 , BIOL 2420 , HPRS 2300 , HPRS 2301 Corequisite(s): RNSG 2460
This course is the application of critical thinking and nursing process to a diverse adult population. The roles of the nurse as provider of care, coordinator of care, and member of the profession are discussed. As the provider of care, the nurse develops a plan of care for an adult with common health problems using the nursing process. Health promotion, disease prevention, and management of common health problems are the focus of the course. As coordinator of care, communication, collaboration, and delegation are discussed. The nurse as member of the profession is discussed as it relates to professionalism and ethical/legal issues. (5 credit hours) Lecture Clock Hours 80 Total Clock Hours 80
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