Mar 13, 2025
RNSG 2460 - Common Concepts of Adult Health Clinical Prerequisite(s): ADN:RNSG 1360 , RNSG 1413 , RNSG 2213 , BIOL 2402
LVN to ADN: RNSG 2213 , BIOL 2402, HPRS 2300 Corequisite(s): RNSG 2541 In this clinical course, the student provides holistic nursing care to the adult client with common health problems. The student builds on previously learned clinical knowledge and skills in caring for small groups of clients. The student assesses, critically analyzes, and develops a nursing care plan. Included are health promotion, disease prevention, and disease management strategies, and ethical/legal considerations of nursing care. The student administers parenteral medications, begins delegation to unlicensed personnel, and collaborates with other healthcare professionals. (4 credit hours) Clinical Clock Hours 192 Total Clock Hours 192
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