Mar 03, 2025
PY 421 - Advanced Psychopathology Prerequisite(s): PY 420 . Advanced Psychopathology builds on students’ understanding of concepts and diagnostic issues presented in Basic Psychopathology as they have gained clinical and training experiences throughout their first year and a half of doctoral studies. Advanced Psychopathology will explore psychopathology and diagnostic issues from applied, multi-dimensional perspectives, adding layers of treatment planning and critical considerations to clinical case material. Students in Advanced Psychopathology will be expected to discuss diagnostic and treatment planning aspects of cases introduced by the instructor (e.g., via written material, oral presentation and other media) and by students themselves. Students will also learn to conceptualize client’s concerns from biopsychological, empirically supported, and theory-specific approaches, with particular attention to the theory students identify as their curricular track. (3 credit hours)
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