Mar 14, 2025
RNSG 2160 - Mental Health Nursing Clinical Prerequisite(s): ADN: RNSG 1105 , RNSG 1360 , RNSG 1413 , PSYC 2301 , PSYC 2314
LVN to ADN: PSYC 2301 , PSYC 2314 Corequisite(s): RNSG 2144 , RNSG 2213 , HPRS 2300 , HPRS 2301 This clinical course provides a learning experience for the student in the psychiatric setting. The student applies mental health nursing concepts to the nursing care plan through the use of therapeutic communication, psychosocial assessment, and critical thinking. Included in the course are health promotion, disease prevention, and disease management strategies in the mental health client. Ethical/legal considerations, pharmacology, and other treatment modalities are studied (1 credit hour) Clinical Clock Hours 48 Total Clock Hours 48
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