Precision Teaching   [Archived Catalog]
2011-2012 Academic Catalog and Student Handbook with Revised Addendum

AB 525 - Precision Teaching

In this course students will learn about Precision Teaching (PT) as one type of programmed instruction. Through a review of related literature, including the pioneering work of Ogden Lindsley, students will gain a better understanding for both the conceptual foundations of PT and the practical applications. The features that define PT as a precise and systematic method of evaluating instructional tactics will be highlighted and students will learn to describe what differentiates it from other analysis of behavior. Students will also improve their skills related to analyzing data using the Standard Celeration Chart (SCC). Specifically students will learn about the benefits associated with focusing on frequency measures and building fluent repertoires so as to improve instruction for the individual learner.  Students will also learn to set performance floors and aims, and analyze the data in terms of celeration, and assess variability in the language of Precision Teaching, including using such terms as bounces, jumps, peaches and lemons, snowplows and jaws.   (2 credits)