PA 694 - Specialty PracticumPrerequisite(s): Permission from instructor. Learning experiences in this course include opportunities for students to demonstrate an understanding of key concepts in behavior analysis and to apply those concepts to a comprehensive project. Students may choose to do one of four major projects: grant application, oral comprehensive examination, written comprehensive examination, or syllabus design. Students may choose one of the four domains of Behavior Analysis as the focus of their comprehensive project: Experimental Analysis of Behavior, Theory and Philosophy, Applied Behavior Analysis, or Service Delivery. Projects must be approved by the faculty early in the semester, and students are required to address three of the four project models and three of the four areas of Behavior Analysis in four of the following five courses: PA 690 , PA 691 , PA 698 , PA 693 , or 694. Students may choose to do a 20-hour-per-week practicum for the fourth course, or they may choose the fourth comprehensive project and Behavior Analysis domain. Other options for a comprehensive project will be considered on a case-by-case basis.PA 690 (2 credits) |
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